Why learn Amatsu Japanese Integrated Medicine?
Would you like to be a professional Practitioner? Perhaps to one day even teach this medicine?
Perhaps you simply want to understand more about real health, mobility, self-treatment, simple natural methods to help your friends and family? This amazing medicine is now offered to you, at Miku Mallorca, the only training school in Spain.
Come and join us, if you truly want to learn the most unique, integrated medicine, and the truth about how the human body really works.

Kimmy Dobák
Leitender Arzt/Lehrer
Anma Practitioner
Part 1:
Theory development through online learning and online theory exams. Home study modules, you will be expected to learn at home.
Part 2:
Practical tuition
(One Saturday per month for 12 months).
Covering the Principles and practice of Amatsu Japanese Integrated Medicine: Anatomy, Physiology, Oriental philosophy and Science.
Including basic self-treatment methods, major acu-points, palpation skill development, basic muscle testing and our famous Shoden (head-to-toe) Balance. Year one of professional practitioner focuses on the muscles and joints of the body, anatomy and physiology, whilst considering how the muscle functions are effected by our emotions, nutrition and environment along with the acupuncture meridians that pass through these areas of the body and strategic acupoints that have amazing effects.
- COST: €4,900 yearly
*DEPOSIT of €1,000 to secure place. Full payment 12 weeks before commencement.
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Kimmy Dobák
Leitender Arzt/Lehrer
Seitai/Sekkotsu – Japanese Physical Medicine Practitioner
*Please note entry is only available to graduates of ‘Anma’ Practitioners Certificate
Part 1:
Theory development through online learning and online theory exams. Home study modules, you will be expected to learn at home.
Part 2:
Practical tuition
(One Saturday or Sunday per month for 12 months)
Seitai and Sekkotsu Japanese physical medicine builds upon the basic Anma skills and abilities and includes; Joint and ligament correction, Positional Release, Muscle Energy techniques, foundation Visceral (Ampuka), Cranial Sacral Fascia balancing, Foundation Amatsu acupressure for the treatment of common physical conditions, remedial exercise, etc.
Common conditions treated include; Back pain, Pain anywhere in the body, joint conditions such as Tennis elbow, ankle strain, frozen shoulder, Sciatica, wry neck, bell’s palsy, carpal tunnel, housewives knee, sports injuries, aches and strains, etc… Essentially the treatments provided by Western Physiotherapists/Osteopaths/Chiropractors, but with Acupressure (Amatsu Kiatsu/Shiatsu) and basic visceral treatments.
This medicine is based on feeling, what is known as ‘heart feeling’ or Shinden.
During which you will learn how to diagnose and treat, localised joint, muscle and tendon injuries, Spinal conditions, Muscle strains, Pain inhibition, differential diagnosis, essentially learning diagnostic assessment and treatment protocols of physical medicine.
- COST: €4,900 yearly
*DEPOSIT of €1,000 to secure place. Full payment 12 weeks before commencement.
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Kimmy Dobák
Leitender Arzt/Lehrer
Amatsu Japanese Acupuncture Practitioner
(2 year Diploma Course )
Please note entry is only available to graduates of BOTH ‘Anma’ and ‘Seitai/Sekkotsu’ Practitioners Certificate
Year 1:
Acupuncture for PHYSICAL medicine
Year 2:
Acupuncture for INTERNAL medicine
The course will start off looking at how acupuncture can be used for physical problems, such as pain management, easing mobility restrictions etc. This will add an advanced skill set to your routine treatment of physical problems and injuries.
Progressing into Year 2, our knowledge deepens and we look at internal medicine, and how acupuncture is applied to balance the internal systems to improve health and wellbeing. Although internal medicine has many similarities to Chinese acupuncture and herbal medicine, it is based on the understanding of the holographic interlink, using the tongue diagnosis, alarm point diagnosis, thermal diagnosis, pulse analysis and physical diagnosis.
Using Acupuncture, Acupressure, Cupping, Scraping/Gua-sha, heat, magnets, emotional re-patterning, ‘forgotten foods’ super tonics, to change physical symptoms, decrease pain, improve mobility (which are verified at the time of application!) change instantly the texture, coating, shape and movements of the tongue, ‘switch off’ the alarm points, improve respiration, calm the mind and improve physical and internal health.Amatsu Acupuncture and tonics are used in a treatment protocol, which includes Japanese Physical medicine and basic Ampuku which further enhances health and well-being.
- COST: €4,900 yearly
*DEPOSIT of €1,000 to secure place. Full payment 12 weeks before commencement.
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